Last night we posted “STOP DRINKING MILK” on our social media pages and received a few requests for more information. We will gladly discuss. However, this article is for entertainment purposes only! This article is not meant as attempt to treat, diagnose or prevent any disesase or illness and should not be misconstrued as such. In no way should the information presented in this article replace the recommendations of a qualified healthcare provider. Always consult your physician and/or dietician regarding any physical, supplemental and nutritional needs you have.

Lastly, before beginning, we should clarify that we are referring to Cow's Milk. And despite what fancy marketing might tell you, the negatives of drinking cow’s milk outweigh the positives.


  • We are the only species on the planet that consumes another species milk… That by itself should be enough to make you raise an eyebrow…
  • We technically lose the enzyme to break down lactose after breastfeeding. So theoretically we’re all lactose intolerant; even though some people may be able to break it down in some form.
  • Cow’s milk doesn’t have the calcium you think. Not only does it not have much calcium, but it’s also actually been shown to rob our bones of our own calcium. When animal proteins are broken down, they produce acid. Calcium happens to be very good at neutralizing acid. So naturally, our bodies use the calcium that the milk contains as well as our own stores of calcium to flush out these acids.
  • There are typically massive amounts of hormones and antibiotics that are pumped into cows; not to mention the GMO feed that many cows consume. When the cow consumes those hormones and GMO’s, you do too…
  • Dairy can elevate estrogen levels in men. Not a good thing bro.
  • Some studies have found links between milk consumption and the increased risk of ovarian and prostate cancer.
  • Milk is very inflammatory.

What About Chocolate Milk for My Post Workout Recovery?

That’s a hard NO as well. Three simple reasons:

  • Again, milk causes inflammation. You just spent the last hour creating inflammation from your workout. Adding more isn’t really what you need.
  • Chocolate milk is loaded with sugar. Yes, you need sugar to assist in recovery; but milk chocolate is not the right choice. There’s little to no nutritional benefit and it contains too many simple sugars.
  • The proper post workout carbohydrate to protein ratio would be 4:1; chocolate milk is closer to 6:1… More simple sugar isn’t better.

What Are Other Options?

  • For normal consumption, Almond Milk is the most popular. There’s also cashew milk, hemp milk, oat milk and unpasteurized goat’s milk. Goat’s milk is an article all on its own.
  • For your Post Workout, use almond milk, water, protein and grab an apple.

There is a ton of research out there, so I'd encourage you to look into it. The information in this article is for entertainment purposes only and in no way should replace the recommendations of a qualified healthcare physician. Always consult your healthcare provider and/or dietician regarding any physical, supplemental and nutritional needs.

-John Nelson, Founder/Director ELP