It is very important that all of our clients and prospective clients know that we are NOT Physical Therapists or Medical Doctors and make absolutely NO claims to be.

We do NOT treat or diagnose. Our services are NOT designed to replace that of your Physical Therapist or the program prescribed to you by your doctor.

We have a great network of Healthcare Providers we work with in the area including our Supervising Physical Therapist, Cindy Caudy PT, Physician Assistant Jennifer Childers PA-C at Delta Orthopedics and Dr. Brandon Walley OD at Collierville Vision Center.

If you are suffering from pain or injury, we highly encourage you be evaluated by and seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider.



We do not treat pain or symptoms, we prefer to address the root cause of these issues.

The underlying cause of virtually all pain and injury is found in how your nervous system controls your muscles. When this control system is working properly, your muscles are activated to protect your joints, absorb the forces encountered during movement, and keep you safe. This is the healthy state we see in most young children, who can jump off swings and high ledges and land safely. They do not hurt their backs or tear ligaments.

Unfortunately, through different habits and responses to minor and major traumas, the ability to use muscles in this way diminishes. When the neurological control system malfunctions, your muscles can tighten and shorten, losing the shock absorbing ability they are designed to have. Or they can weaken and become less responsive from reduced challenge. When the muscles don't work as they should, force instead goes into areas such as: tendons, ligaments, cartilage, discs etc. that tend to get hurt. Also, other muscles will kick in to try to brace or "splint" the compromised area, which creates excessive tension and feelings of stiffness.

We are not doing therapy or directly treating any of these injured or painful sites. Instead, we find exactly where your neurological signals are dysfunctional and where your muscles are not supporting you as they should. We then teach those muscles to start doing this job again, so they provide the support they're supposed to, protecting the injured or painful area while it can heal. At the same time, our unique, electrical stimulation devices can accelerate the biological process of tissue healing. The net result is a faster recovery. With this background in mind, ELP Wellness includes two parts:


Manual muscle tests are used to find which muscles are weak, or unable to absorb force, and therefore unable to protect the relevant joints, thus setting up the body for problems. When necessary, manual techniques are implemented to create the neurological feedback necessary to regain strength, "turning the muscle back on." Once we are certain the neurological signals are able to reach the relevant muscles, and that the muscle(s) are absorbing force properly, we move to step two; The Neubie.


The Neubie is an FDA cleared electrical muscle stimulation device. It is an an acronym for “Neuro-Bio-Electric Stimulator. The Neubie uses pulses direct current (DC), as opposed to alternating current (AC). It has unique effects on the body’s tissues to promote healing; and it has unique effects on the nervous system that, when combined with other steps in our system, allows our practitioners to provide a meaningful dose of neuromuscular re-education. Sessions with the Neubie are active rather than passive. Traditional e-stim treatments have patients lying down, passively accepting the current and not moving. In contract, the DC signal of the Neubie actually permits movement, even at therapeutic levels of stimulation. This allows for optimal, eccentric contractions, which research is proving to be a major factor in effective rehabilitation.

*Any client desiring to use the Neubie for therapeutic/rehab services, must first be screened and recommended by ELP’s supervising Physical Therapist Cindy Caudy, PT or Jennifer Childers, PA-C.


The final phase of ELP Wellness is the Strength & Recode Phase. Using principles of GOATA Movement combined with ELP training parameters, the goal of this phase is to set your body up for the long haul. By using slow motion video analysis, we design a custom movement and strength RECODE plan for you that will address weaknesses in strength, joint function, energy transfer and more. The RECODE Strength phase reinforces all the work you put in during steps one and two, to help ensure you continue making progress long after you’re done at ELP. Whether your journey is to improve your quality of life, or its to take your fitness and performance to the next level, we’ve always got your back!